

Scott Winshipが興味深い発言をしている(ツイートをブログに貼り付けようとしたがうまくいかなかった。そのうち修正するかもしれない)。

Scott Winship‏ 

New research fr Treasury & JCT economists indicates top 1% share of pre-tax & -transfer income rose not from 9% to 20% 1979-2015, but fr 10 to 15. Add transfers: fr 9 to 13. Account for taxes: fr 8 to 10. Increase fr 1989-2015 just from 9.5 to 10.1.  http://davidsplinter.com/AutenSplinter-Tax_Data_and_Inequality.pdf …


Factual Liberal‏ 

Interesting results. 

Just curious (paper probably goes into it), what explains discrepancies w/ this and Piketty Saez Zucman 16? 

Also, is there any evidence to suggest the increase in the 90-10, 90-50 and 50-10 ratios since the 1980s have been overstated as well?


Luke Lea‏ 

Hard to believe.  Where has everybody been?


前にも説明したように、Scott Winshipは昔はリベラル派だった人でとても温厚な性格のようだ。そんな彼がリベラル派を批判するようになったのはリベラル派の嘘があまりにも酷くなりすぎたことに憤りを感じ始めたからだと語っている。

Scott Winship‏ 

It's not just the possibly-badly-mistaken inequality narrative that drove me from the Democratic Party. It's the possibly-mistaken volatility narrative, and the definitely-mistaken labor-force-dropout, middle-class-decline, and rising-poverty narratives. Basic misdiagnoses.



Harold Pollack‏Verified account 

Replying to @swinshi
Huh. We thought it was the food.



どうしてこのような事態が発生してしまったのかと、Scott Winshipは嘆いている。

Scott Winship‏

And so many social commentators, journalists, activists, politicians, scholars have opined about the cancer of rising inequality (to use their alarmism), when there were always reasons to think the rise had been grossly overstated.


Scott Winship‏

That is to say, they may have *made up* a cancerous social crisis that didn't exist because they weren't skeptical about liberal-friendly claims. They didn't take @AlanReynoldsEcn concerns seriously over a decade ago. Heck, I've been plugging his argument for a decade now.


Scott Winship‏

Many of his arguments have proven correct. This study isn't the last word, but I hope that Piketty-Saez boosters are already questioning whether they have approached the evidence in the correct way all along.
